Lots of Images Okay now that I got both Triangle Heart: Sazanami Joshi Ryohttps://anilist.co/anime/4849/TriangleHeartSazanamiJoshiRyo/ and Triangle Heart: Sweet Songs Foreverhttps://anilist.co/anime/176/TriangleHeartSweetSongsForever/ out of the way I can finally move on to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanohahttps://anilist.co/anime/76/MagicalGirlLyricalNanoha/. I mean I know I didnt have to bother watching them since Nanoha is pretty much completely unrelated but Im a completionist. Neither Triangle Heart were anything to write home about. Triangle Heart: Sazanami Joshi Ryo was a hentai. Unfortunately most of the screenshots I have for are of the sex scenes so I cant post too many. I watched it over a year ago so I cant talk too much about it. It was kind of weird since it was supposed to be like real Japan but there was magic and catgirls and shit. There was a scene where two characters sprouted wings and flew over the city and had yuri sex in the sky. It was surreal. I watched it so long ago I dont even know who the best girl was. If I remember right there wasnt too much sex in the series I believe it was mostly plot and then a sex scene at the end of each episode. Triangle Heart: Sweet Songs Forever actually introduces Nanoha but theres literally no point for her to even be there. She has like a handful of dialog in the first and last episode. This series is not hentai not even ecchi. Its a mystery/action type show but its only 4 episodes so you dont get too much information out of the characters. Best girl is Miyuki but most people would probably say Elise but I have a glasses fetish so its Miyuki all the way for me. Bonus: Girls drinking