Vary Peri
The Sweetsheart Kingdom is a magical world filled with various sweets and pastries, inhabited by animal people who are good patisseries and cooks experting on each dessert. The kingdom's only Princess, Mousse Bibi is soon going to ascend to the throne as the new Queen, however all she cared on her life is to taste various kinds of cakes and sweets. One day, Lyan, her royal adviser, set up a plan by making her suffer Aguesia. As she is shocked that she can no longer taste anything, he told her that the only way to cure her condition is to search for the legendary magic called Delicious Miracle. She immediately left the castle and venture outside, not knowing to her that Lyne is doing this to eradicate her.
Upon h...
The Sweetsheart Kingdom is a magical world filled with various sweets and pastries, inhabited by animal people who are good patisseries and cooks experting on each dessert. The kingdom's only Princess, Mousse Bibi is soon going to ascend to the throne as the new Queen, however all she cared on her life is to taste various kinds of cakes and sweets. One day, Lyan, her royal adviser, set up a plan by making her suffer Aguesia. As she is shocked that she can no longer taste anything, he told her that the only way to cure her condition is to search for the legendary magic called Delicious Miracle. She immediately left the castle and venture outside, not knowing to her that Lyne is doing this to eradicate her.
Upon her arrival at the town called Cake Village, she first met a denizen of the village named Mocha Dennis, who is very obsessed on his looks. Though the meeting between both him and Benetta is unsettling. She is also unaware that she possesses a hidden potential that would help her search for the legendary magic and be the key on changing the fate of the Sweetsheart Kingdom once and for all!
(Source: Wikipedia)