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Tegami Bachi REVERSE

After Niche carries the wounded and stunned Lag back to the Bee Hive, the Letter Bee finally begins to piece the puzzle together. Now he knows what's happened to Gauche, why the Marauders are so focused on stealing mail and the actual intent of the group controlling both, Reverse. However, when he's forbidden to reveal the truth, Lag is soon forced out of the artificial sunlight and back into the world of perpetual night. And soon Reverse's plot to take down the Letter Bees and overthrow the Amberground government begins to accelerate. If things weren't already bad enough, the giant insect creatures called gaichuu are apparently evolving into something new; there may be traitors working within the Hive; and Niche's siste...

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Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee PV
Tegami Bachi: REVERSE Preview
Episode 1 - Letter and Letter Bee
Episode 2 - My Friend
Episode 3 - Crybaby Boy, Letter Girl
Episode 4 - Lag's Dingo
Episode 5 - Dead-End Town
Episode 6 - The Letter to Jiggy Pepper
Episode 7 - Yuusari Central Nocturne Hood #13 Head Post Office Bee-Hive
Episode 8 - Seeing Sylvette Suede
Episode 9 - The Crybaby Boy's Vow
Episode 10 - Under the Light
Episode 11 - Letter of Lies
Episode 12 - Red and Green Ribbon
Episode 13 - The Promised Land
Episode 14 - The Corpse Doctor
Episode 15 - The Elopement
Episode 16 - Fan Letter to a Musician
Episode 17 - Letter Bee and Dingo
Episode 18 - Letter Pigeon
Episode 19 - A Sick Letter Bee and the Girls
Episode 20 - Lost Letters
Episode 21 - Potpourri of Memories
Episode 22 - Dream Link Notebook
Episode 23 - Honey Waters
Episode 24 - Heart's Recollections, Three
Episode 25 - One Unable to Become Spirit
Episode 26 - Promise
Episode 27 - Underwear and Bread
Episode 28 - The Hydrangea Colored Picture-Letter
Episode 29 - Wilderness Imagery Lighthouse
Episode 30 - Reverse World
Episode 31 - Dolly
Episode 32 - Film Noir
Episode 33 - Blue Notes Blues
Episode 34 - 200 Years of Solitude
Episode 35 - Veritably Abbey
Episode 36 - Cabernet Attacks
Episode 37 - Light Shines on the Darkness
Episode 38 - Crimson Melody
Episode 39 - The Day of Flicker
Episode 40 - Welcome Home
Episode 41 - Roda, Wanders
Episode 42 - Truth and Lies
Episode 43 - The Lost Shindan
Episode 44 - Neither Malice, Nor Hatred
Episode 45 - Smile of Hope Lead-in
Episode 46 - Lawrence's Ambition
Episode 47 - A Place to Return To
Episode 48 - In Akatsuki
Episode 49 - Battle in Yuusari Central!
Episode 50 - Light of Heart