Lloyd Asplund

ロイド・アスプルンド, Earl of Pudding
Birthday:Feb 2, 1988
Blood Type:AB
Zodiac sign: Aquarius Lloyd Asplund is an earl of the Britannian nobility and the developer of the elite Knightmare Frame Lancelot. To keep from being reminded of the fragility of human lives and friendship Lloyd immerses himself in science and has come to view people as nothing more than tools he regards Suzaku for example as a mere component of the machine that he pilots. He has a tendency to mock others and is often rebuked for this behavior by Ccile Croomy his assistant. Prior to joining the military he attended the Imperial Colchester Institute. Lloyds research organization Camelot is an irregular division of the Britannian Military and has been granted permission by Prince Schneizel to operate outside the command structure and regulations of the regular Britannian armed forces. Rakshata refers to Lloyd as the Earl of Pudding as pudding is his favorite food.