Endorsi Jahad

엔도르시자하드, エンドロシ・ザハード, Androssi Zahard
Birthday:Dec 6
Height: 167 cm Endorsi Jahad is a Regular and one of Jahads Princesses currently climbing the Tower. Among Regulars Endorsi is unmatched in terms of physical ability. Among the Jahads Princesses she is fairly warm and more human. Her parents werent around when she was born. She was then adopted by a couple from the Middle Area before she became a princess. Later her adoptive parents were killed by Snake Charmer. Her character concept is that of a Normal modern girl taking great care of her looks stressed about her weight wanting to hear she is pretty while acting confident. A girl who is yet to mature fully. Endorsi doesnt believe in being friends with a guy at first and says that guys and girls cannot be friends and can only be boyfriend and girlfriend and later states that she is not allowed to date anyone because she is a Princess of Jahad but later on she catches feelings for Bam and calls Bam her boyfriend.