Weiss Schnee
ワイス・シュニー, Snow Angel, Ice Queen, Princess
Birthday:May 15
Weiss Schnee is a student of Beacon Academy and one of the four members of team RWBY.
The heiress of the vastly influential Schnee Dust Company Weiss made her first appearance in the White Trailer. After enrolling in Beacon against the wishes of her father she becomes a member of Team RWBY alongside Ruby Rosehttps://anilist.co/character/126569/RubyRose Blake Belladonnahttps://anilist.co/character/132314/BlakeBelladonna and Yang Xiao Longhttps://anilist.co/character/132223/YangXiaoLong. Her weapon of choice is a Multi Action Dust Rapier MADR named Myrtenaster.