Hikari no Ou Iris

光の王アイリス, Queen of Light Iris, Maiden of Light Iris, White Priestess
Species: Human Home World: White Kingdom Occupation: Queen of Light Ability Skills: Angel wings use Progenitor Runes power Hobby: Being with her friends Goals: To maintain the balance of light and darkness Friends/Allies: Yami no Oujihttps://anilist.co/character/148761/YaminoOuji lover Yami no Ouji is the female Protagonist of the Shironeko Project: Zero Chroniclehttps://anilist.co/anime/110458/ShironekoProjectZEROCHRONICLE/. She is formerly known as the Queen of Light. She is kindhearted and lovable queen. She stood up to her subjects and willing to protect her people from evil such as the current King of Darkness. The King of Light who rules over the White Kingdom. She is sometimes called the White Priestess. She governs the the root of all runes and can receive its benefits to the fullest.