Mitsuru Toyano'oh

鳥屋尾充, Seiunsai, 鳥屋尾青雲斎
Mitsuru Toyanooh more commonly known by his stage name Seiunsai Toyanooh is known for being escape artist whose skills rival that of Houdini. However in reality he is also a con artist being chased by Taehime Uozumi due to selling counterfeit objects and robbing people of their money. According to Yui Samidare Mitsuru is a very agreeable old man. Taehime has revealed that he is actually a skilled con artist tricking people by dealing counterfeit art. Despite this he appears to be rather friendly and social with others as he plays cards with Yuzen Minase Akio Chage and Meruko Mifune. Source: Danganronpa Wiki