
ファプタ, Princess of the Narehate
Race: Narehate Relatives: Faputa is referred to as Princess of the Narehate by the inhabitants of the Narehate Village Ilblu within the inviolable 6th layer of the Abyss. She is described by Majikaja as the embodiment of value and is incredibly highly regarded by all the Narehate in the village. Faputas face upper arms and upper torso are dark in color. Her hair is long and feathery. Fluffy white fur covers her rabbitlike ears forearms legs and lower body starting at her hips. One of her most noticeable traits is her four arms. On each of her hands are 3 large red claws which act as fingers with the fourth and fifth folded away. Red clawlike protrusions are also on her hair her knees and the ends of her feet similar to hooves. Her eyes are yellow with large rounded pupils. Behind her are 5 tails which spread out in a fan. She has a pair of goggles slung over her shoulder. Faputa appears to be unstable and unreasonable displaying a wild behavior that makes her comparable to a beast. She speaks in a simplistic and primitive manner referring to herself in third person and communicating only with short sentences that are sometimes hard to understand. She is very possessive and seemingly quite jealous claiming Reghttps://anilist.co/character/122444/Reg to be of her property entirely and feels entitled to examine him thoroughly without any indication of shame or restraint. She seemed a bit shaken when Reg failed to remember her and grew upset when Reg said he wanted to spend time with Rikohttps://anilist.co/character/122443/Riko and Nanachihttps://anilist.co/character/122445/Nanachi rather than her. Faputa is beloved by the Narehate of the village but she is often irritated or angry according to Majikaja and she seems to greatly dislike being observed. The Narehate in Ilblu freaks her out a bit especially the ones with lots of eyes. Throughout the series Faputa has displayed several abilities: Unbound: Unlike the other Narehate Faputa is not able to enter the village of Ilblu and can instead move freely around the rest of the 6th layer. Physical Strength: Faputa is extremely agile and possesses an impressive amount of physical strength being able to restrict Reg with only two hands. Transformation: Faputa appears to have attributed transformative abilities as seen when Faputas white hair and fur envelop her which enables her to travel through the air in a ghostly manner similar to smoke. She can also transport others with her in this state given that they are small enough for her to grab hold of and envelop. Furthermore she displayed to be able to adjust her form. Immortality: While in the vicinity of the villages boundary Faputa can have her wounds healed by the same thick dark gooey liquid Juroimoh used after his transformation which she proclaims to be her siblings and it continuously heals injuries she sustains while she is in range of it. She also seems to be unable to die as well as being capable of healing her injuries by consuming a creatures flesh regardless of it being from outside of Iruburu.