Bart Garsus

Bart Garsus is a firstclass citizen from Taraak coming from rich parents who owned a food production company. He is initially an easily excitable weak and cowardly character and ends up becoming the helmsman of the Nirvana when the ship chose him for the job. Early in Vandread: The Second Stage Bart showed compassion for a sick little girl on a polluted planet. She listened to his embellished stories and laughed at his jokes. When a Harvest ship came to the planet he showed courage for the first time by fighting them off almost single handedly with the weapons of the Nirvana. But while he was gone she died from her illness. She left a doll of Bart she was making without finishing the hair so Bart shaved his head in memory of her. Towards the end of the series he develops feelings for BC not knowing her secret but even after he finds out he is not swayed and continues to pursue BC for a relationship. While more settled late in the series Bart remains a comic relief character. Source: Wikipedia