Ho-Rang Jin

A serious but also whimsical twelfth grade boy. He is a very honorable heroic person. His family background is that of a noble family. HoRang ran away from home when he was just seven years old because he didnt want to cause his grandfather any trouble concerning the SoonLa army. After vigorous training HoRang ended up being a MoDal which is the top rank for being in the SoonLa army. His fighting skills are very good and many Rabbit people in Junghyun Mountain admire him just for being strong. When he first met MyungEe he dressed himself up in a superhero costume calling himself Taekwon V. At his side is his talking cat YaHo. At school hes the president of the kendo club which only had two members until MyungEe came along. HoRang also accidentally saw MyungEes bumbum and since hes such an honorable person he made MyungEe his future wife. When it comes to meeting the student council HoRang has a small grudge against SaEun and will sometimes challenge him to a fight.