Sei Igarashi

Birthday:Nov 3, 1989
Blood Type:O
Family Members: father mother older sister Zodiac: Scorpion Height: 171cm Weight: 54kg Shoe Size: 26cm Type of girl I like: someone who doesnt discriminate Favorite Colors: red and black Favorite Foods: strawberries and Ryoko Habit: resting my chin on my hand Weakness: Ryoko Treasure: Ryoko and Myself What I wear to sleep: nothing at all Charming Points: Everything Favorite Line: Thats the best Recently bought item: Shoes Self Assessment: Im a good man. Theres no one better than me. Hes serious Ryokos Assessment: Ayumus Assessment: What? What are you talking about? You can do anything but dont do something bad I really dont pity you But when she falls for it its not bad laughs The audience will find it really interesting