
Mouryoumaru Mrymaru? is an enemy of Naraku despite being indirectly created by his powers via Hakudoshi. He is a 100foot long demonic golem who can shoot blasts of energy from his arm. At first he is merely a life force puppet made from youkai lacking any true personality soul or will. Kanna places The Infant inside him giving Moryomaru Naraku039s physical life force. Moryomaru increases in power as he absorbs different youkai to gain their abilities and nearly defeats a combined onslaught of most of Naraku039s enemies including Kikyo Kohaku Kagome InuYasha Miroku Sango Shippo and Sesshomaru. He succeeds in breaking Sesshomaru039s sword but flees after nearly losing a shard of the Shikon Jewel. He is killed when he devours Naraku and Naraku absorbs his power from the inside and uses it to be reborn.