Sera Kang

She is a member of the MilYang Clan and is currently the clans head. She had initially gained a grudge against ShiWoon Yi because Goomoonryong had killed her grandfather until today where the two are friendsinarms and love interest of ShiWoon Yi She is a young slender girl with ears that stick out of her long black straight hair. She is often wearing formal attire. Other clothing she had worn would be general clothing whether itd be a long or shortsleaved shirt with shorts or skirts. In her initial introduction with her meeting with ShiWoon the latter had remarked his first impressions of her to be a very beautiful kindlooking young lady. She has a very forward personality and with her expressionless face it is hard to determine what her true intentions are. Sometimes she may be seen wearing glasses generally and probably for reading intentions as seen when doing paperwork or helping teach ShiWoon. Source: The Breaker Wiki