Solf J. Kimblee

ゾルフ・J・キンブリー, Zolf J. Kimbly, Kimbley, Crimson Alchemist, Crimson Lotus Alchemist, Red Lotus Alchemist, Mad Bomber
Solf J. Kimblee is an exwar criminal and a veteran of the Ishbal War. His alchemy title refers to his use of sulfur in the human body to create explosive fluids turning people into living bombs. His personality seems almost split in two at times he can be polite if curt straightforward rational and civilized. However in battle he displays an uncanny and foreboding demeanor in favor of destruction and damnation. Kimblees powers appear to be much the same as those in the Anime except that he can transmute and detonate from a distance as well using the ground as a connecting force causing huge explosions though probably it is because his force is imbued with Philosophers Stone.