Angela Erzebet

안젤라 에르제베트
Age: First Generation Date of birth: Octomber 31st Height: 1.70 Hair: Red Eyes: Pinkish Red Occupation: Doctor Researcher Angela Erzebet is a first generation pureblood succubus. She has been Larks guardian since he came from the human world. She is currently working at Arzew as a nurse while contacting a research under a contract with Navarus. After Setz brings Lark to the human world Angela offers Lark the chance to live with her. Lark agrees and Angela teaches him how to hide his human identity. After living in Crepusucle for 10 years Lark is sent by Angela to Arzew to retrieve an ingredient for her research from the director of the school.Soon under the alias of Angela Elizabeth Angela comes to Arzew as the new school nurse in order to remain close to Lark. Source: Crepuscule Wikia