
Iregravene fights with a wide doublesided sword and is one of several Schiff with the ability to locate Saya from great distances. Killing humans to drink their blood bothers her to the point that she refuses to continue to do so though it leaves her in a weakened state. After Kai saves her from some thugs in Paris Iregravene tells him how the Schiff came to exist how they are dying from Thorn and why they keep attacking Saya. She also tells him that they think Saya039s blood will save them so he offers to ask Saya. When the Schiff later attack Saya039s group she and Kai try to convince both sides to stop fighting because of their new friendship but the fighting only stops when Iregravene collapses from her progressing Thorn. Saya reluctantly agrees to feed her some of her blood but it ends up killing Iregravene. Her death is mourned by Kai Saya and the Schiff alike. Realizing its Diva039s blood they really need Iregravene039s death is the precipice for the end of the hostilities between Saya039s group and the Schiff.