Mitsuru Kamekura

瓶倉光溜, Bomber
Age:14 (Möbius Ring) - 24/25 (Möbius Link)
Mitsuru is a professional bomber hired by individuals mostly for the destruction of property as none have brought forth enough money for murder. He does everything from the bomb warnings to the actual deed. He works with explosives mostly suited to the destruction of buildings and construction sites so they would require certain preparations if they were meant to take a life. He works on lesser jobs that are more showy than destructive using tools like incendiary bombs made from a mix of aluminium powder and iron oxide and chemical explosives made from fertilizers and engine oil. The bombs while capable producing enough explosive force to kill a person are more comparable to fireworks props meant to fool and incite people and accomplish his job. He then blends into the fleeing crowd of people to escape best making use of his precognition to always avoid capture.