Unwanted wasted movies and confusing titles

Binge watching Dragon Ball Super and I just got the part where this https://anilist.co/anime/20778/DragonBallZResurrectionF/ actually happens I find it to be pointless to even watch this movie at all since they already have the Dragon Ball Super Episodes for it entirely. This movie honestly isnt worth to even exist at all all the money put into this movie is a damn waste Not only that but the title is also confusing how or why in the hell theres a Z instead of Super in the title? In the middle of a single arc already aired in the series they decided to make a movie showing the exact same shit but they wanna put a damn Z and not Super Who in tf gave this a fuckin green light? And thats not even it but also this shit here https://anilist.co/anime/14837/DragonBallZBattleofGods/
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