AWC: Aug Monthly Challenge

125 Monthly Challenge: August 2018 Theme: Summer Fun Complete 5 requirements for easy level Complete 10 requirements for hard level Badge for Completion: Easy: 350 Easy Compact Badge recommended size 100px: 125 Hard: 350 Hard Compact Badge recommended size 100px: 125 Badges designed by Electrochemist RikkaKuroibara Shoxi and Xeldum Yearly Achievement Badge: If you complete all monthly challenges for the year we will be rewarding an achievement badge Rules: For easy level you can choose any of the 5 requirements to complete For hard level you must complete all 10 requirements You cannot use the same anime to fulfill multiple requirements within a challenge You cannot use an anime you have previously watched You cannot use speed watching to complete this challenge You can use an anime you have previously started You can use currently airing anime but they must be finished airing before you submit your challenge as completed You can use up to 3 anime you are currently using for another challenge to fulfill the requirements of this challenge. If you have used an anime for a different challenge make a note indicating which challenge it was used for Challenge start date is considered the day you post Your profile must be set to public so we can verify your anime list and activity Time Limit for Challenge: Aug 1st 00:01PDT Aug 31st 2018 23:59PDT Submission: Post a reply in this forum when you start the challenge with the code we have provided below. This is considered the start date for your challenge submission You can keep track of your progress through editing your submission here or update it when you are finished Please use the code we have provided for your challenge submission. You can edit it however you want as long as it includes the same information You can find the challenge code here: August Monthly Challenge Code Fill out the portions in red text only to keep code formatting When you have fulfilled all of the requirements for a challenge please post a link to your final submission in the Challenge Submissions forum post Challenges must be submitted by Aug 31st 2018 23:59PDT 11:59pm PDT Example of Formatting: Formatting for challenge submissions should look like this: 1. Start: DD/MM Finish: DD/MM Challenge Requirement: Link with Anime Title Additional information August Monthly Challenge Requirements: 1. Watch an anime that aired in the Summer season. Any year. Minimum 10 episodes with 16 min per episode 2. Watch an anime that contains a beach / pool scene or episode. Minimum total run time required: 16 min 3. Watch an anime that doesnt take place in a school. Minimum 10 episodes with 16 min per episode 4. Watch an anime where the main character has a job / parttime job. Minimum total run time required: 30 min 5. Watch an anime where the source is a video game or visual novel. Minimum 10 episodes no run time requirement 6. Watch an anime based on a manga. Minimum total run time required: 90min 7. Watch a sports anime. Minimum of 12 episodes no run time requirement 8. Watch an anime from the animation studio Sunrise. Minimum total run time required: 30min 9. Watch an anime that contains a festival / firework scene or episode. Min total run time required: 16min 10. Watch an anime with the genres: Adventure AND Fantasy. Min total run time required: 90min Challenge Code: August Challenge Code Anime Watching Challenge: Master Post August Monthly Challenge helpful links: Thank you to Plusho for compiling this list
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