Help Find This Anime

Hello So for a while now Ive been looking for an anime I started watching a couple years ago 20122013 but never finished. Finally I decided to get some help with it. I remember the basic premise of it and one of the main characters. Basically a guy accidentally removes a seal on a deity and that deity comes out and at first tries to kill him with a giant hammer. She is a loli? fox girl with either blonde or white hair and I think she was wearing a mikos outfit or something similar. I think the guy who unleashed her had some powers to undo magic or he wasnt interested in living life and his sister yelled at him and so he went to a forest and then the accident happened?.. I also remember looking up reviews about it and found out that at the end the fox girl sleeps with the villain I think not sure maybe it was the MC and so I dropped the anime thinking it was hentai. At the same time I was also watching Dragon Crisis so some things I might be mixing up with that. But I remember that fox girl with her hammer for sure.
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