AniChart feedback: Please add back the options toggle to automatically add Green/Yellow titles to your AniList PTW

Pretty much as the title states. I personally am a big fan of the AniChart redesign as a whole. I like how it looks a lot and it also works well from my experience. One thing that is pretty important to me for my usage of AniChart however is the option from before the update that let you configure AniChart to automatically add any entries that you either check with a Watching or Maybe watching to your Planning to Watch list on AniList. Currently it only does this if you explicitly click Add to Watching list or Add to Planning list. The problem with this for me is that if you click the Add to Watching/Planning list buttons the entry will still be lacking the Watching Maybe watching and Not watching indicators. You need to manually also click one of those buttons for them to show up on the respective title. As I personally always like to through every single entry that is listed on AniChart for the next season and mark them all as either Watching Maybe watching or Not watching this essentially doubles the effort on me since I need to specify two options instead of one Add to Watching/Planning + Watching/Maybe/Not. That is why I would please like to request that the option which brings this back to just requiring one click is added back to the redesign. Thank you.
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