AWC: April 2019 Challenge

150 Monthly Challenge: April 2019 80 80 23 23 Konata Izumi from LuckyStar Badges designed by: Electrochemist 80 90 90 Hard Mode: The total runtime of all anime you watch added together must be a minimum of 1500 minutes. You can now check the total runtime of completed anime using our time checking tool You can use any number of anime from other challenges as long as they have not been started prior to 01/April/2019 You cannot use the same anime to fulfill multiple requirements within this challenge You cannot use anime you have previously watched You cannot use speed watching to complete this challenge You can use anime that is currently airing but it must have finished airing before you submit your challenge as completed You cannot use anime with the format Music Your activity must include the start and end dates which can be added in the AniList List Editor Your profile must be set to public so we can verify your anime list and activity Time Limit April 1st 2019 00:01 UTC April 30th 2019 23:59 UTC 80 Post a reply in this thread when you start the challenge with the code we have provided below You can keep track of your progress through editing your submission here or update it when you are finished Please use the code template we have provided for your challenge submission. You can edit it however you want as long as it includes the same information You can find the challenge code here: April Monthly Challenge Code Fill out the portions in red text only to keep code formatting When you have fulfilled all of the requirements for a challenge please post a link to your final submission in the Challenge Submissions Thread Challenges must be submitted by April 30th 2019 23:59 UTC 80 Formatting for challenge submissions must include the following information: 1. Start: DD/MM Finish: DD/MM Challenge Requirement: Link with Anime Title Additional information Only submissions via the AniList forum will be accepted. This means submissions via Discord spreadsheets or other documents will not be reviewed. Code Generator Dont like having to fill out the challenge code? Check out our code generator Paste your information into the generator and it will create the code for you. This generator is still in beta: if you find issues please let us know on our Discord or message Nymh Recommendation Bot We have an AWC Recommendation bot and it is enabled for this challenge 80 April 2019 Challenge Requirements: 1. Watch an anime with the genre Comedy and the format TV Required for Easy Mode You MUST complete this requirement and 4 others.2. Watch an anime with the tag Slapstick Surreal Comedy or Nudity 3. Watch an anime from Doga Kobo or Silver Link 4. Watch an anime that began airing in the Spring 2020 season 5. Idiot hair: Watch an anime with a character that has a hair antenna or ahoge State the characterHelpful community list of examples: Hair Antenna help us improve these lists by adding suggestions Watch an anime that is featured in a meme Provide a link to the meme7. Literally watch one of those Chinese cartoons Must be listed as Chinese on AniList8. Watch an anime with any of the tags Parody Satire Meta or Otaku Culture 9. Grannies with Guns: Watch an anime with a female character that uses a gun OR an anime from Electrochemist favourites State the characterProvide a screenshot showing the character with a gun10. April Fool: Watch an anime that another participant has recommended The anime must be listed as a recommendation on another participants April ChallengeIt must have an average or mean score of 60 or lowerProvide a link to the participants challenge or take a screenshot Prank optional: Recommend an anime for other participants to watch It must have an average or mean score of 60 or lowerYou must include a link to the animeThe worse the anime the better the prank 80 AWC Website Challenge Code AWC Profile AWC Master Post AWC FAQ Post AWC Submissions Thread AWC Discord AWC Challenge Discussion / Suggestions If you are having a difficult time finding an anime to fulfill a certain requirement feel free to ask in our Challenge Discussion Forum ask us on Discord or ask a fellow AniList member for a recommendation.
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