Likes Error

Dont know if this issue has been looked into already but there seems to be an issue with cookies or the likes on the site. This has been going on for some time but I havent seen it brought up mods may already be looking into the issue but I couldnt find any bug reports of this sort on the forum. So for one it seems that after loading a page if a new activity is made in the global feed the activity will inherit the number of likes of the previous activity Like this weird voodoo magic: when it should be this: 440 440 Or this: when it should be this: 440 440 Although I personally feel the water deserved those 38 likes :P Also when I write some comment be it an activity or a comment on a forum whenever I visit that site again or reload the page I get something like these: 440 440 This doesnt seem to happen for posts after I clear cache so Im guessing that thats likely where the issue resides. I cant be certain but Im going to guess that the issue with the first is that saved cache are addressed to the position of the post on top of an id and the second that data cache arent updated or deleted after pressing submit it is with cancel so far as Ive seen. The first issue is usually resolved if like is pressed twice and the second when the text is cancelled just eventually works.... The issue can also be fixed if you turn off data cacheing here: Thanks NishiTsuki out also RamNeedsMoreLove Update: sometimes weird stuff like this also happens 440 no not the fact that naruto has 226 likes the number of likes here doesnt seem to be one saved from a previous activity but a sum of sorts
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