AWC: Archaeologist's Challenge

150 Archaeologists Challenge 80 The Archaeologists Challenge is designed to help participants discover and watch old rare and unknown anime. You may find the requirements a little more difficult than usual as they are intended to make you dig to uncover those old hidden gems. As such we recommend that you start with the Beginners Challenge or another anime challenge before trying out the Archaeologists Challenge. So when youre ready brush the dust off something unknown and good luck unearthing a rare anime... We hope you find something you enjoy There is no Recommendation Bot for this challenge however some of our AWC Discord members will be happy to provide recs if you are having a difficult time finding something youd like to watch. 23 Riko from Made in Abyss Badge designed by Kondor Rewards: 2 Challenge Points Badge You can use any number of anime from other challenges as long as they allow sharing You cannot rewatch or use an anime you started before this challenge You cannot use the same anime to fulfill multiple requirements within this challenge You cannot use speed watching to complete this challenge You cannot use anime with the format Music There is no time limit to complete this challenge Your activity must include the start and end dates which can be added in the AniList List Editor Your profile must be set to public so we can verify your anime list and activity Post a reply in this thread when you start the challenge with the code we have provided below You can keep track of your progress through editing your submission here or update it when you are finished Please use the code template we have provided for your challenge submission. You can edit it however you want as long as it includes the same information You can find the challenge code here: Archaeologist Challenge Code Fill out the portions in red text only to keep code formatting When you have fulfilled all of the requirements for a challenge please post a link to your final submission in the Challenge Submissions Thread Formatting for challenge submissions must include the following information: 1. Start: DD/MM/YYYY Finish: DD/MM/YYYY Challenge Requirement: Link with Anime Title Additional information Only submissions via the AniList forum will be accepted. This means submissions via Discord spreadsheets or other documents will not be reviewed. There is no Recommendation Bot for this challenge. 1. Watch an anime which began airing in 1950 or earlier2. Watch an anime fully in black and white3. Watch an anime with the format OVA which began airing in 1990 or earlier 4. Watch an anime that less than 100 users have completed on AniListProvide a screenshot5. Watch an anime with only one genre6. Watch an anime that was a World Masterpiece Theater productionAny anime listed on the WMT Wikipedia page counts7. Watch an anime with the tag Stop Motion Puppetry or Flash8. Watch an anime produced in a country other than Japan China or Korea Watch an anime with the format TV which began airing in 1980 or earlier 10. Watch an anime with a Popularity of 500 or less on AniList Provide a screenshot11. Watch an anime with a Staff or Voice Cast member who has only 5 or less roles on AniListState the Staff or Voice Cast member12. Watch an anime from a Studio that has only 10 or less productions on AniList13. Watch an anime that satisfies a requirement from the Manga City: Museum Challenge the requirementProvide any evidence if applicable14. Watch an anime that nobody you are following on AniList has completedProvide a screenshot15. Watch an anime where the most recent activity is 1 Week Ago or moreProvide a screenshotRecent Activity can be found on an animes Social page16. Watch an anime that is missing one or more rating from its Score Distribution graphProvide a screenshotThe Score Distribution graph can be found on an animes Overview or Stats pageIn the following example the ratings 1 and 3 are missing 17. Watch an anime that began airing at least 10 years before or after another related anime that you have previously completedState the related anime as well as the anime you watchMust be listed as a relation on AniList18. Watch an anime with a music composer born before 1900 listed as StaffState the composer19. Explore one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient WorldChoose only one of the following and watch an anime with the corresponding tag: Great Pyramid of Gyza: Tag SlaveryHanging Gardens of Babylon: Tag Lost CivilizationTemple of Artemis at Ephesus: Tag MythologyStatue of Zeus at Olympia: Tag GodsMausoleum at Halicarnassus: Tag AfterlifeColossus of Rhodes: Tag KaijuLighthouse of Alexandria: Tag Ships20. Watch a Hidden Gem anime recommended by another participantProvide a screenshot or link to the participants challengeHidden Gem: Recommend an obscure rare unusual or interesting anime for other participants to watch All AWC Challenges Challenge Code About AWC Profile Website FAQ Post Submission Thread AWC Discord Challenge Discussion / Suggestions If you are having a difficult time finding an anime to fulfill a certain requirement feel free to ask in our Challenge Discussion Forum ask us on Discord or ask a fellow AniList member for a recommendation.
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