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Onna no Ko ga Iru Basho wa

This short serialization presents stories of young girls across the world, who are told what to do, or not to do, "because they are a woman", either because of the religion or the culture of the place they live in.

1. Soccerball Kettobasu Hi (サッカーボールを蹴飛ばす日)
Set in Saudia Arabia and follows the girl Salma as she learns about a part of her family that had been hidden from her.
2. Shikamettsura to Megane (しかめっつらとメガネ)
Set in Morocco and follows the girl Habiba as her family for a month long period hosts a strict and conservative old friend of her grandmother's who won't stop chastising Habiba and her older sister for not being pretty enough or too interested in scholary pursuits. But is th...

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