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Do you have some shameful experience that you wish you could get rid of? That's what the Hajikeshi store can do for its clients. Shinzou is thrilled when his friend Ryouko shows him the new store, since he's been humiliating himself in front of the girl he likes for ages! Maybe, with the help of Hajikeshi, he can erase all those shameful memories from the earth and finally get the girl. But then again, maybe his life is not quite as simple as he thinks.


Do you have some shameful experience that you wish you could get rid of? That's what the Hajikeshi store can do for its clients. Shinzou is thrilled when his friend Ryouko shows him the new store, since he's been humiliating himself in front of the girl he likes for ages! Maybe, with the help of Hajikeshi, he can erase all those shameful memories from the earth and finally get the girl. But then again, maybe his life is not quite as simple as he thinks.

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