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Sekai no Kiki Hamekurumeku!

The protagonist was sleeping, and he did get to a white world with a phone booth in his dream. It rang, he answered. A girl on the other end claims to be God. Who the hell would believe such a dumb thing? "God" claims to grant him a power to save the world. HA! Who the hell would believe that? Fine, so he decided to make this dream end in a joke "Then give me the ability to upskirt girls!" HAHAHA The next day, he woke up, naturally he didn't really give it much thought. But he still wanted to try it out, let me try upskirting that girl... And it happened!! After another try, he confirms that he has the power to upskirt girls(indirectly) with a swing of his hand upwards and crying "upskirt." However, when a world crisis r...

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