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Mukashi, Oboronaru Otoko Arikeri

This volume contains three stories written/illustrated by Mizuno Tooko:

Mukashi, Oboronaru Otoko Arikeri (3 chapters):
The Sadaijin's young son, famous for his general unawareness, surprises everyone by taking in an oni's daughter. Time passes and she grows up to be a beautiful young lady, but...

Jikuu Emaki Hime Meirou:
A long time ago in a far away eastern country, the Tsukishiro, Gouda, and Kinou clans warred to gain control of the land. Nago-hime, a Tsukishiro princess, is told to find a man named Daisuke at the end of a secret tunnel, who will protect her until the appropriate time for her to return...

Hikuna-shou (original story by Fukuhara Mika):
Ever since a Kisaragi ancestor...

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