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Tetsudo Shoujo Manga

All aboard! This book is your ticket to seven romances―from confessions in Iriuda to proposals in Enoshima and all points in between. Beloved josei and boys love mangaka Asumiko Nakamura returns to the English market with a unique collection of romance shorts each set around Kanagawa's railway system, the Odakyu. Combining moments of contemporary women, lesbian romances and coming-of-age tales, Maiden Railways is a ride to romance rarely seen in manga these days.

(Source: Denpa)

1. Rouman Hikou ni Nottotte (浪漫避行にのっとって, All Aboard for a Romantic Getaway); Melody 2008-10
2. Kare no Sumu Iryuuda (彼の住むイリューダ, He Lives in Iriuda); Melody 2009-04
3. Rittai Kousa no Eki (立体交差...

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