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Suzuran Techou

1. Ichigo Ichigo Ichigo (いちごいちごいちご, Strawberry Strawberry Strawberry)
2. Kumo no Ito (蜘蛛の糸, Spiderweb)
3. Yuki no Ashiato (雪の足跡, Footprints in the Snow)
4. Meishou Misettei (名称未設定, Unnamed/Untitled)
5. Mujintou e Motteiku nara (無人島へ持っていくなら, If You Take It to a Deserted Island)
6. Shikeidai no Elevator Girl (死刑台のエレベーターガール, Shikeidai Elevator Girl)
7. Hitotsubu no Umi (ひとつぶの海, A Drop of Ocean)
8. Hoshi ya Sumire no Koto Bakari (星や菫のことばかり, Only About Stars and Violets)
9. Mizufuusen, Kingyo, Ramune (水フーセン、金魚、ラムネ, A Water Balloon, a Goldfish, and Ramune)
10. Chanoma no Hana (茶の間の花, Living Room Flower)
11. Yuki Bar...

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