An incredibly important and influential shoujo series in the history of shoujo and for a good reason. What starts off as a story about the upbringing of the shows main heroine Lady Oscar and Queen Marie Antoinette and the compassionate if attimes excessive melodrama that follows turns into one of the most powerful complex and emotionallydriven historical drama stories about the events leading up to the French Revolution. 550 This change of focus away from attimes excessive melodrama during the firsthalf and into a more critical and intense look into class struggle and political corruption while maintaining character drama during the secondhalf is marked by the change of directors halfway through the shows run with famed Ashita no Joe director Osamu Dezaki taking over starting from episode 19 and onward. However Tadao Nagahamas efforts are nonetheless commendable and are just as important into making the show as excellent as it is. The shows story is a deep delve into French history with explicit critiques about materialism aristocracy and really just the system of feudalism in general and traditional gender roles and expectations however at its heart is a classic shoujo story about romance that faces its tragic fate against the eventual French Revolution. 550 The character development in this show is truly excellent as we get distinct character arcs that represent the increasingly corrupt and dysfunctional nobility and monarchy while also presenting the emotional struggles the characters face keeping a solid balance between history and character drama. Speaking of history this show does a fantastic job at accurately portraying its historical events with a narrator that helps the viewer contextualize such events whenever needed as a side note it is sometimes annoying when they spoil a significant detail though moreso with character drama. Of course while the shows story focuses on the history of France during this time it is evident that it has an interjection to provide to these events which is best exemplified by the character of Oscar Franois de Jarjayes. It is clear from the very start that she is a female character who challenges traditional gender roles in nearly every way being a tomboyish rebellious and upright character with some awesome swordfighting skills to back her up. However while she may seem like the icy cold soldier she portrays herself to be on the outside it is also clear that she still has a more feminine side to her which is most noticeable when it comes to her relationship with her male love interests throughout the show often leading her to become confused and yearn for her womanhood at times creating an extra dynamic that adds to her character. Of course her character shouldnt take away from the other characters in this show ranging from Oscars close best friend Andre to the nave but innocent Queen Marie Antoinette herself. 550 Animationwise it certainly shows some of its age especially when it struggles to keep up with more actionintensive scenes though even then it never becomes too much of an issue to detract from its distinct and lovely shoujo style. Nevertheless it still looks pretty good even now with solid backgrounds and great use of lighting and colors especially during the 2nd half to emphasize the rising tensions when nearing the shows climax. Soundtrackwise theres some good musical composition here with orchestral and opera music pieces used throughout the show to fit with the French theme along with more dramatic pieces whenever the action picks up. Admittedly many tracks do start to get reused throughout the show though it doesnt particularly bother me because they are still solid and fit with the shows atmosphere that I honestly didnt mind. 550 In closing there is a reason for why this show remains one of the best shoujo series ever created. It has influenced other works ranging from Kunihiko Ikuharas Revolutionary Girl Utena to even legendary mangaka Kentaro Miuras Berserk. Ultimately it is dramatic as it is exciting and it is saddening as it is heartening. Its powerful social commentary and attention to character drama are what truly make the show stand out as it lures you into its tragic yet nonetheless dynamic story into one of the most important social and political movements to happen in European history. 550 OSCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
95 /100
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