Its all just nonsense anyway 1000 Now before even talking about its contents I think its important to understand why I originally dived into this book series. The reasons could be interpreted as simple. Firstly Zaregoto is the author Nisi Oisin first published piece of work before entries such as the Monogatari Series or Katangatari. As someone who would place the former series in his top 5 favourites of all time and a huge fan of the mystery genre in general I certainly had more than enough of a reason to read the novel. Though as one might understand reading a book series is a lot more challenging than simply watching a 24episode TV series. However after hearing praise on Zaregoto and hearing some go as far as to call it a masterpiece it seemed that I had no choice but to begin. This review covers The Kubikiri Cycle Volume 1 to Uprooted Radical Volume 9 Story: 100/100 1000 The Zaregoto Series contains 9 volumes with 6 different significant arcs. As expected of a murder series each volume often contains a mysterious murder that miraculously always involves our protagonist Ii N.B. I will be covering my views on his character later on in the review. One may ask why I am praising the narrative of Zaregoto so highly and having the nerve to award it full marks. To that I would first retort to be patient and wait for my response but would say that it isnt exactly someone that can be answered. The Nonsense Series is excellent in setting the scene and can foreshadow events through minute details that the reader would more likely than not be able to notice. Zaregoto creates a false sense of certainty when the reader feels that they can solve the mystery that our protagonist is faced with. Contrary to expectations however this clarity is crushed and destroyed without fail with the help of the Worlds Strongest Contractor Each case presents itself with a seemingly straightforward format take Volume 2 Strangulation Romanticist per se where the answer appears to be solvable by the snap of a finger but such a thought is devoured by the volumes conclusion. Its not to say that the story is without a hint of eerieness. Characters introduced include serial killers and such who appear briefly and then fade away by the end of the arc. However it would be nave to dismiss them as simple throwaway characters as each serves their importance. As importantly Zaregoto enjoys bringing up philosophical ideas that challenge the minds of all meaning both the characters in the story and the reader. It doesnt just let you read the story but also ensures that you have much to think about. The story of Zaregoto is one that I am unwilling to spoil it simply is that exquisite. Characters: 100/100 1000 The series characters are brilliant though my immense adoration of the cast is indescribable in words alone. I will however attempt to briefly explain why this is the case. Ii Our protagonist Ii Iichan the Nonsense User whatever you would like to call him appears to be uncaring about the world around him and baths in supposed selfcenteredness dabbles in simplicity but ultimately coats himself in indifference. Contrarily to the impressions one has already constructed in their mind Ii is not only intelligent but is possibly one of the most indepth characters in media. The user of Nonsense is much more than meets the eye and as the narrative progresses the mysteries of our protagonist are unravelled unfolded and revealed. This is done in an ingenious subtle manner that creates a sense of both attachment and wild curiosity for the reader. Ii is certainly a welldeveloped wellcrafted and beautifully written character certainly surpassing popular MCs like YouZitsus Ayanokouji and Nisio Oisins successor of Araragi from the Monogatari Series at least in my books. The other characters in the series can certainly not be ignored either though to maintain my sanity I shall refrain from analysing them in detail. That being said several characters certainly do stick out to me Jun Aikawa Tomo Kunagisa and Hitoshiki Zerozaki Though perhaps not at the same level as our MC these characters also play an irreplaceable role in the story that should not be ignored in the slightest. On a side note I think its interesting to see how certain characters have served as a basis or inspiration at the very least in the future work of the author. I see a resemblance of Jun Aikawa in several characters featured in Monogatari namely Izuko Gaen It would leave a slightly bitter taste in my mouth if I did not at the very least share my favourite characters in the series. Ii is one of my favourite protagonists of all time and my favourite male characters currently. In second place is Ichihime Yukariki please read on to understand. Finally the last podium place is shared by the trio mentioned in the previous paragraphs as they are also characters that I have grown to love. Worthy of a Mention My Favourite Quotes Volume 5 Psycho Logical Part 2 Spoilers Volume 6 Cannibal Magical Spoilers Uprooted Radical Part 3 Spoilers Enjoyment: 100/100 I can easily say that reading through the Nonsense Series was an exciting thrilling and utterly supreme adventure that I enjoyed every minute of. I dont reckon that I need to say anymore. Final Thoughts The Zaregoto Series is certainly an existence that I can easily call a masterpiece probably the secondtobest anime or book series that I have had the honour of consuming after Madoka Magica. If you managed to read through the entire review I would first like to thank you I do appreciate it I really do. I hope you have enjoyed my review on Zaregoto
100 /100
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