Hetalia World Stars is the resurrection/reboot of the 2000s anime as well as the adaptation of the comedy manga of the same name. Dont be fooled however you dont really need to watch the previous series to understand this one as every episode is episodic in nature. If you come expecting good characters destroy your expectations as every character here is literally just their countrys stereotype with Germany being a muscular and serious man as well as a neat freak and a bit of an alcoholic Italy being obsessed with pasta America having protagonist syndrome with an obsession with burgers and food and Japan being a quiet introvert though the characters does suit the series well as its just gag comedy with a hint of historical education. Watch the dub its better. https://i.pin.com/originals/f7/cb/fe/f7cbfe2a16e2c6a5e863e753661873fb.jpg Whats different with World Stars from the other series is that it kinda has a plot in the middle and with that introducing some new characters Czech Slovakia and Portugal though it only lasted just a few episodes. Some of it are kinda historically accurate albeit hidden within the comedy. What surprised me the most about this certain season is how smooth and good the animation seems to be. Studio Deen is pretty infamously known for their bad animation but that seemingly doesnt appear much in this short series with the sweet and pleasing color palette as well as the well drawn backgrounds though they still do a bit of animation shortcuts but its forgivable. The comedy is pretty much the same as the previous seasons as i said before its just gag comedy with a hint of historical education with this season however there seems to be more historical education with the Industrial Revolution miniarc showcasing a lot of the products and history the countries went through in that time. Russia falling behind the evolving England and Germany improving on what they currently have. https://c.tenor.com/hgnPCKabEsIAAAAC/hetaliaworldstars.gif Despite everything good about it its not really for everyone and thats ok as most of the comedy falls flat if youre not really interested in history and its not really special too despite the unique premise the series has it doesnt really bring out the full potential of its characters and comedy some of it are very samey with the interactions and the gag humor as it goes longer. If you come with little to no expectations and just to relax then youll be pleasantly satisfied with what this series can offer with its short time and please ignore the fandom. https://c.tenor.com/409cBsWtiMAAAAC/hetaliahws.gif
65 /100
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