Dacknos Review of One outs The idea of watching an animation of a sport youd not see me on the end of a remote sat on my couch with an ice cool beer chugging away to is a little worrying. Is it because its an animated gloss over of the real thing that i compromised so much? Well not exactly. First of One Outs is a psychological sports anime. It focuses more on the strategy behind each ball pitched every bat swung and delves into the minds of those playing the ball game. The main character is a and for that i believe makes this sports anime a sub category of its own granted every sport has a psychological aspect to it but this one really does make it its own. I feel that the anime did exactly what it intended to do. Show the high intensity of the game the psyching out of player to player and expose the cheats in the system. It mimics the level of the game and how easy a game can go in anothers favor. If you do get a chance to watch this i would highly recommend doing so. It was suggested to me and i am glad that i watched it. It has introduced me to sport anime and now i feel that it wont be my last. I gave One Outs 8/10 as i felt that it was a good series but had it a little more focus on some of the other characters and not be entirely centered on Tokuchi it may have gotten a little higher in my books. Still a great show and its a shame that MADHOUSE havent adapted it further?
87 /100
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