440http://i.ur.com/4QjWAHR.png Warning Pupa is disturbing. In several ways. And perhaps not in the way the creators had intended. This review will be delving right into that completely unhinged. Pupa? More like... POOPA There you go. The single and only joke I will be making throughout this entire review. It was a pretty good one in my opinion but I feel as if I could have probably done better if I had tried. But I decided not to try because if these people making these shows didnt feel like trying then why should I? Nonetheless a little thing before we start. Pupa has forced me to introduce a new concept to these reviews. Let me introduce the brand new staple of the TGG Review Series: The Pupa Please Let the Suffering Stop Alert Stamp. 220http://i.ur.com/lXzGRf3.png Prepare to see this throughout the review. Whenever a train of thought goes a little too far or too deep down the rabbit hole or when the review just generally needs to stop this thing shall appear to hopefully curb the unpleasantness. After all I wish for all of my reviews to be family friendly if nothing else. ...Its too bad that one of this shows largest themes is inces 220http://i.ur.com/lXzGRf3.png 220http://i.ur.com/lXzGRf3.png 220http://i.ur.com/lXzGRf3.png Introduction Pupa is an animis a showis a TV short adaptation of the mangahttps://anilist.co/manga/75613/Pupa. Some background information first. Apparently there was hype for thishttp://i.ur.com/HYIom7B.png? Really the only reasoning I can use to understand this is that people just werent aware what Pupa was gonna be. I mean if you only have the cover of the anime or the manga to go off of... or even just the description... 440http://i.ur.com/CjiXnNS.png But then it turned out to only be a TV short... then it was delayedhttp://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/20131115/pupaanimedelayeduntiljanuary... then it aired and people realized oh holy shit its so badhttp://i.ur.com/S4BBh4d.png. ITS SO BADhttp://i.ur.com/gRHPNXu.png. But just because a show has an overwhelming negative reputation doesnt mean you shouldnt watch it. Hey what does everybody else know? Everybody has their own tastes and thats fine and hey maybe its just an exaggeration. Its Not an Exaggeration Okay so lets very briefly put together of all of the flaws that really bother me in Pupa. 1. Episode six. 2. There is no plot. Things just happen. 3. Trying to do entirely too much when the episodes are four minutes each. 4. Horror is more than just gore. Please. PLEAhttps://anilist.co/anime/11111/AnotherSE. 5. Revealing the monster as soon as possible. 6. The monster form eventually being replaced with the character in human form but with tentacles. 7. Brother and sister relationships done the way Pupa does them. 8. Cannibalism done the way Pupa does it. 9. The whole point of the show is the cannibalistic incest and its the worst part of the show. 10. Final episode being a flashback episode when nothing about the plot is resolved at all. 11. Unclear origins of the monster. 12. Just outright dropping a huge plot thread and never returning to it. 13. Horror cliches. Wow okay. That is a lot of things. How about a positive counterpart of that list? What are the things I liked in Pupa? 1. The opening. ...Yeah thats about it. Its unfortunate that the only reason why thats a positive is I think having your theme or your opening actually say the name of your movie/show is just such a wonderfully cheesy thing to do. Of course they probably didnt think it was cheesy themselves. But that honestly only makes it better. https://www..com/watch?v=iO4MrI9tIc In any case Ill try to go over all of my negative points without making this review stupidly long. I might not get to all of them but I want to get to the major ones. This happens then this happens and... Okay so the sister is walking home from school she passes by a lady dressed entirely in black with a scarred burned? face who tells her to go home before she sees red butterflies. We see the sisters weirded out face for a second and then immediately theres red butterflies. 440http://i.ur.com/K7ONveh.jpg Are you serious? The stranger in black JUST told you to not look at red butterflies. Obviously the red butterflies are symbolism or some trigger thatll cause you to turn into a cannibalistic monster creature andoh okay thats a dog. 440https://i.ur.com/Dxn7oSz.png Well its not like the random stranger warned you about dogs. It was about butterflies and the butterflies did nothing. So just go right up to that stray dog and pet it. What could possibly go wrong? 440http://i.ur.com/ga2v8vI.png 440http://i.ur.com/J71gOHX.png ...The random dog exploded into tentacles that attacked the sister. Not ideal BUTokay now the brothers here. Okay now the sister just exploded into blood. Okay now the sister has immediately become the monster and is already just cannibalizing the shit out of anything thats near her. Oh GOOD. 440http://i.ur.com/OBWoNpr.png ...This is the very first episode. Can you calm down a bit? Look when the whole thing is theres a monster you should try and build up the monster. The worst possible thing you could have happen is the monster just showing up right out in the open and completely visible. This girls entire transformation into this monster creature just happens as a result of her trying to walk home from school. If this is not outright the most bizarre chain of events Ive seen in an anime thats trying to be taken seriously ??? its definitely up there. A few episodes later. 440http://i.ur.com/t8Dh5jY.png 440http://i.ur.com/lL5b3gf.png Oh my god no. Them being monsters aside theyre brother and sister S T O P 440http://i.ur.com/53WYOqR.png The Sister Was a Monster All Along? Child Abuse is the Real Monster? What??? We see throughout the show that these siblings have not had a good life what with an abusive father and all. The father is abusive to an almost ridiculous extent. Every single flashback we get of him is exclusively when hes being abusive. Like its as if the only purpose this guy has in life is to go home and literally beat his kids for no reason. But then. Then the show drops a bomb. The mother was even worse than the father. 440http://i.ur.com/UByxRgp.jpg Lets not even stay on this train of thought too long because this section of the review is going to cause peoples opinions of me to plummet down into the fucking gutters as it is but. I will give the people who made this anime this much credit. This baby is one of the creepiest fucking babies Ive ever seen in an anime/fiction/etc. 440http://i.ur.com/P2YeZv2.jpg 440http://i.ur.com/1px4EBL.png The entire episode about the siblings mother is just downright bizarre. This might end up sounding strange I know but this episode is I think the one that actually got the closest to okay if this was done better this could work as a downright creepy and psychological horror thing. The moment I saw the mother open that drawer. 440http://i.ur.com/G6YlMtM.jpg I thought... theres no way. Theres no fucking way theyre going to do this. And for a brief moment the schlock horror fan part of my brain took over as I realized yes they were absolutely going in this direction. 440http://i.ur.com/OBnFiUv.png 440http://i.ur.com/HPzHBUk.png Assuming the father was about as abusive to the mother as he was to their kids we can sort of see that the mother is probably psychologically damaged. And a mother seeing her newborn daughter as some sort of inhuman monster and then proceeding to try and kill her only for the baby to not only survive but then go chomp on an injured bird... 440http://i.ur.com/tuaPZ7z.jpg 440https://i.ur.com/kL7YvUb.gif Wow what a cute baby. Wait why are you biting my face please stop Thats completely fucked. But the beginning of the show is Yume being infected by the monster. Were never really given a clear answer as to whether the mother was right or it was all in her head. The most bizarre thing about this episode about abuse and just general background information about how fucked up the relationship between these two siblings became is that this comes right before episode six. Episode six being where Pupa just outright drops the facade and just 220http://i.ur.com/cNMgYdE.png 220http://i.ur.com/cNMgYdE.png 220http://i.ur.com/cNMgYdE.png Episode Six That was a pretty fucking weird episode that came out of left field. Baby stuff in horror is a bit... cliche but I certainly didnt expect them to go full on attempted baby murder. Lets move onto the next episode... 220http://i.ur.com/zxASQtG.png 220http://i.ur.com/zxASQtG.png 220http://i.ur.com/zxASQtG.png Oh geez. I cant believe this. The Pupa Please Let the Suffering Stop Alert Stamp must have just completely broken. This is why these reviews cant have nice things. Something gets used too much and too frequently and it loses all effect. Repetition ruins everything. Lets just get to episode six. 440http://i.ur.com/kbsPEvg.png ...Thats weird where is this sudden deathly chill coming from? 440http://i.ur.com/ZZ8mXIr.png 440http://i.ur.com/bM8serw.png Oh no. I will give you so much money to stop what is happening right now. This doesnt have to happen. We can go back to baby murder which actually could have sort of worked in a genuine horror way. Theres no way they would just do an entire episode of this. Wait no shit I said that about the baby murder too 440https://i.ur.com/QeeWzi4.gif 500http://i.ur.com/ZlVotE7.png Escape Conclusion Ill never not heed the warnings of the Pupa Please Let the Suffering Stop Alert Stamp ever again. They really did just do a complete episode of nothing but the sister eating the flesh and drinking the blood of her brotherhttps://www..com/watch?v=NPGn6zw2mdE. To an unforgivably graphic extent that is almost appalling. Then in a following episode the brother basically states that hes apparently happy being eaten day after day by his monster cannibal sister. Im not a masochist. I just enjoy being eaten alive every day. What the fucks the big deal. This show isnt about abuse it isnt a monster horror... it is a show about this incestuous cannibalistic relationship. Because even if the sister does briefly here and there kill people and show flashbacks of their fucked up parents it always ends up going back to the familiar scene of the sister on top of her badly chomped on and bleeding to death brother. Like the whole point of the show is these scenes. Even basically the only conflict of the show is the sister rampaging against the government/a research group ??? who captures both of them so she can get her brother back so she can go back to eating him. Everything else is just salt into the wounds. The nonsensical plot the continued besmirching of the horror genre the cliches... like oh god... why butterflies? WHY BUTTERFLIES? A REALLY BAD AND GORY SHOW WITH BUTTERFLIES? HAVENT SEEN THAT BEFOREhttps://anilist.co/anime/21189/RanpoKitanGameofLaplace. Its just... oh god. This show is a cacophony of misery. Everything is wrong. 1 out of 10. 220http://i.ur.com/BaQRhuM.png
10 /100
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