Saddest happiest calmest and intriguing would not summarize the anime in their domain. The anime was really interesting with different characters embellished with different aspects and representing different attributes of life. Each episode with a message and lesson to convey. Representing the life of two orphaned brothers and how they are supported and elevated by the people working in the society is something to inculcate in every society. The same way the saddest of the themes and scenes were balanced with happiest moment that came from interacting with the individuals around the characters and making friends with them. The best thing is the friends are also based on the criteria of helping each other and trying to relieve others from the problems they have in their lives. The character of Kamitani and Taka kun specially Taka kun was so appealing and pleasing in every aspect. The way one wanted love of his elder brother but the other was too tsundere to show the love. The method that Taka kun used in order to gain the attention and play with Kamitani and the way Taka kun cried when Kamitani did not hit him in response was something unexpected and unusual. Contrasting the two characters and their behaviour with the indifferent but possessive of Ryo character of Kotarou and Ryo being over worried over his little brothers needs. Saikwas character even though it was not portrayed for a longer duration but the time he made others feel about his personality was totally something that had the feeling of comedy within that body of serious attitude. He never treats Kotarou as a human rather he is an animal precisely a cat for him to play and control. He used Ryos drawing to control Kotarou when Ryou wasnt home to take care of Kotarou which was ludicrous. The notion of making boys as baby sitters portrayed the unconventional role and the display of the fact that boys can be patient if they want to be patient. They can take care of the young ones and siblings while on the other had Yuris character showed that it is okay for girls to be not good with children. It is not something to die over if one is lacking one or two things in life. Life is enough to learn adapt and adjust. The last episodes were filled with emotions and there were so many scenes where one could feel the internal individual crying and weeping over the situation but the equilibrium is maintained through introducing such good considerate and helping friends and individuals. Overall the anime was a total success on my part.
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