The idea of falling asleep next to someone is an appealing idea especially if theyre someone who youre interested in and I can see how a series like Pillow Boys Makura no Danshi could appeal to someone. And since every episode features a different guy who talks to you youve got some variety to choose from. Youve got everything from a high school student who acts tough but is frightened by spiders to a mature working man and its even got twins which is a bit weird but OK sure whatever. You dont really spend much time with any of them considering that the already short OP takes up a giant chunk of an episode which is only 4 minutes long but before any of the guys can even talk the credits are already playing over the episode. Thats how short each episode is. Maybe make the episode a bit longer for those who dont immediately fall asleep when their heads hit the pillow. Im pretty sure the people who would want this would want a few more minutes spent with their favorite person. This whole concept would be great except for one itsy bitsy tiny little detail. One of the characters is described as a superenergetic hot 5yearold. Excuse me but what the fuck? A 5yearold? Yeah no I dont feel comfortable having one of the characters be old enough to be in kindergarten be in a series in which youre supposed to find the character on screen attractive to some extent even if its not supposed to be sexual. And describing them as superenergetic and hot. How about no. If this character wasnt included the series would be fine as is but having him here just feels incredibly out of place even for this series. How am I supposed to fall asleep to this knowing if someone walked in as I was watching it during this particular episode? I couldnt explain it to them without them immediately dialing an emergency number for the police. If youre looking for something that this series is offering maybe look elsewhere. I cant really recommend a series that describes a 5yearold as superenergetic and hot not matter how desperate you are when looking for a series to fall asleep to. Even if I never watch that episode simply knowing its there is enough for me to avoid this.
30 /100
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