This show good Imma talk indepth about it. Fun lil Anime about a dragon who becomes a maid cause a tired office worker got drunk and said they liked maids. PREMISE: Maid Dragon focuses on an office worker named Kobayashi. She finds Tohru randomly and then drinks with her because of Kobayashis nonchalant behaviour she fell in love with her. Kobayashi drunkily said she likes maids and so Tohru become one and insterted her self into Kobayashis house. The rest of the show is about Tohru learning how to become the best maid and spending a lot of time with Kobayashi Kanna also makes an apperance. Kanna is just so cute she is basically the whole pinnacle of the show. The sheer amount of cuteness Kanna posses should be illegal. 420 CHARACTERS: There are many characters in Maid Dragon: Kobayashi The main character she is an office worker who is so done with life. She at first didnt want Tohru but soon enough took her in. She might not show it but she cares about Tohru though she does a lot of affection towards Kanna very much. Tohru The dragon that works as a maid for Kobayashi she is basically in love with Kobayashi. She has incredible strength and speed in her human form. She is eager to learn how to improve her maid ethic. She is honestly one of the best maids out there imo . Kanna The loli that took over the internet. She is so cute and precious. My heart melted each time she appeared on the screen. She behaves just like a child would and goes to a school as well. Kobayashi really does treat her like her own child. So fun to see. Lucoa The big tiddy dragon. She is more on the ara ara shotakun side. But she is also a great character. She likes to pester a young wizard who summoned her. Elma She isnt on good terms with Tohru she does end up working in the same company as Kobayashi. She is easily influenced by food. She will do anything for food. Fafnir He doesnt really have much screen time. At first he didnt really like humans but once he saw video games he was hooked. He just cant stop playing. He is such a gamer. 420 ART/ANIMATION: The animation is fantastic I mean its KyoAni animating it afterall. The art style is also really good nice and colourful with thicc lines which is amazing imo. Its really smooth and fluid and really stands out from a lot of other SOL anime. 420 MUSIC: The OP is such a bop aozora no rhapsody is great. So is the ED I honestly have been listening to them so much over the time. The OST is also really good in this show. KyoAni does know how to make their shows. 420 OVERALL OPINION: Maid Dragon is a SOL that manages to breath something fresh into the genre the concept seems so generic and yet the twist of dragons is just so fun. I honestly cannot wait for season 2 to air.
84 /100
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