I dont think anyone would disagree with me if I said that OreSuki was one of the biggest surprises Fall of 2019 at first anyway. It starts out as your typical RomCom but in this story. Our main Joro is fully aware and has the common sense to back it up. He is not shy or awkward or afraid to speak his mind or acts awkwardly or cringe around the girls. He is nothing like your everyday romance protagonist who lacks some guts or a fun personality. No Joro has it all and more. Honestly OreSuki was such a delightful breath of fresh air that offered us the same trope but slightly different with more spice and flavor to elevate the experience. While still retaining the same core as most other RomComs out there. To put it into view it uses those same tropes but adds a slight twist to make it feel unique and Joro is the core reason it works. But the side cast is quite decent. There where heaps amount of best girls for everyone here as well. I am sure you would feel something about one of them. They all had a charming and quirky personality with lots of energy to make it all the more vibrant and joyous. Any of the girls overflows with chemistry with Joro. First you got the main female Pansy. She is the main interest and reminds you of that one doujin you read that threw you in a turmoil of despair. At least when she got them glasses on anyway. Since underneath there is an incredible beauty waiting with a charming and bold personality. You got a very adorable not as aggressive tsundere that you cant help but love. She is so sweet and tender. We got someone that spreads bursts of sunshine wherever she goes and someone who can change to a yandere at the drop of a dime. Thats still not everyone. Expect to see a cute tomboy and even a girl that would go as far as to manipulate people around to get her wishes fulfilled. Beyond that expect many twists and turns. Oh and even more waifus. Suffice to say its a harem. But dont expect the girls to not make any moves and just watch from the sidelines getting run all over by the main love interest. Its not that kind of a story even if the anime ending is original. A conclusion about the romance does get made. You couldve begun disliking any of these girls but quickly learn to love them and change ships several times without ever getting completely satisfied. But as the story goes on you naturally find yourself attached to more or less all the girls. And you cant help racking your brain trying to find your top best girl. Now in terms of story Oresuki relies on short arcs. Starting in the same situation upon that blasted bench which oozes pure endgame level boss. Ill get back to it soon. I wont go into the context since thats spoiler territory. Lets just say its executed brilliantly and works way too well. There are tons of fourthwallbreaking in Oresuki. Joro being the person he is makes it a very comedic ride which flows naturally most times. So about the bench which is an endgame boss Joro has to somehow beat and conquer. Jokes aside there is a constant gag going around that never ceases to grow dull. Say Joro meets a busty and beautiful girl or two. Now joro listens to them and helps them solve their problems most of them end up being lovelife related. The way he goes about solving those problems is one part of the charm of OreSuki. There was a unique twist with lovetriangle for one. I bet no one will see that one coming. Oresuki loves its references so expect to see many from other anime yes even the highly popular JoJo. When it comes to the artstyle of OreSuki its beautiful and complements the setting well. Its moe and cute at the same time. Never did I find it looking off or distracting. Not to mention it hits all the emotions in the character face well and it does it with great attention to detail. The facial expression conveys what the character is feeling over nicely. While the artstyle is fantastic but that goes especially for when it comes to executing comedy. The effect is topnotch that it might have you busting a gut or two. Its hilarious and never have I found myself not laughing. On that end the animation is solid for a romance anime and complements the simple but effective artstyle and brings out all kinds of appeal and adds all the more charm to it. Studio Connect nailed their use of budget and used it with great care at the right time and place. While we are on the topic the sound is good. The opening song is both catchy and upbeat. Its really addicting and grows on you. Its that kind of song that will get stuck in your head. It fits the overall vibe to OreSuki. The ending doesnt fall short either and is a beautiful song to end off a hilarious episode. OreSuki is actually based on a light novel and as such the anime is not the intended conclusion. But it gave us a clear answer as to among all of the girls which one Joro favored the most. I wanna point out that OreSuki got potential for a lot more than we ended up getting. It didnt feel unique all the way through as some issues started surfacing in the form of pacing and story directions. But even so. I had quite a pleasant experience and could see myself checking out the light novel or the manga adaptation one of these days. Its not a mustwatch but if youre running out of RomCom you cant go wrong with Oresuki. But suppose the source material is anything like how the anime was at first. In that case its not out of the realm of possibilities. I could end up really loving it. Its also not for everyone. I feel the people who will have the most fun out of Oresuki personally are those who have seen a generous share of their RomCom anime. Of course that doesnt have to be the case but knowing these different tropes will be an added bonus for your enjoyment value. And let me tell you that it throws tons of them at you right till the end. Either way if you are looking for a nice twist with the whole RomCom genre. I highly recommend Oresuki. It was a thoroughly enjoyable watch from start to end despite it not hitting all the right marks in the end.
64 /100
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