I dont really know what to say other than I am impressed in the most dumb founded way with Idea Factory and their ideas during this period. And I cant emphasize this enough with this tittle. From the same creators responsible dubbed the worst anime ever Mar of Destruction comes their first draft. Yes fun fact Mars of Destruction came out during 2005 while Tenkuu Danzato Skelter Heaven came six months before it during 2004. Yes you read that right Idea Factory was already doing OVA tie ins for games before these two wonderful tittles like Generation of Chaos Spectral Force Gakuentoshi Varanoir Joukan that were below average to just bad in quality. And part that makes Mars of Destruction Tenkuu Danzato Skelter Heaven is just the clear lack off effort put into them and it shows in all aspects resulting in a 101 in what not to do when producing an Anime Video Original. But thats the part that just messes with my mind Mar of Destruction was their second attempt. And that they had the galls six months later to try again. And yes their first attempt was way worst but not by much when comparing it to Mars of Destruction. Anyways lets get this over with heres a synopsis: In the far off distant future a mysterious floating entity appears in the center Tokyo. In response the top secret mission unit the Alta Mira Agency or AA is commissioned by the Defense Agency to deal and repel this mysterious invader. Hunagai Otsuya the one in charge of the robot training and the one responsible for choosing the lead girl who will receive secret training. And through said training will use the Battle Soles to push back the enemy even at the cost of their lives. So did that synopsis make some sort of sense? Hopefully it did because the OVA did a terrible job at even doing that. Now lets go over points so that I can drink away the 19 minutes I will never get back. Story: A complete train wreck that also causes a nuclear explosion. And thats putting it lightly. But what do you expect when when you simply cut in game cut scenes with no context that creates useless scenes that does absolutely nothing for the plot. Its a mess that tries to shove everything in 19 minutes which makes its jarring and a pain to follow. And the things that you can follow like the sub plot romance the alien beings the DEEP meaning of the robots existence and themes or whatever is there are all pointless because we again have on context which means nothing for the viewer. And in a similar vain to Mars of Destruction are blatant rip offs of others series like Neon Genesis Evangelion. Character: Bland and cut out cardboard cut outs that are just shoved in the viewers face like we are supposed to care. And that the problem with it with only 19 minutes and clear ripoffs of other successful properties. Which makes plot twist and philosophical revelations or what ever I witnessed in the end pointless. And the development for these characters? Out of context in game cut scenes that are poorly edited that had me bawling and laughing in all the wrong reasons. Art and Animation: Similar to its sister Mars of Destruction it is bland and bad. Character design are something from a bad eroge game and that itself feels like an insult to eroge. 2D animation is stiff and low effort. And what they edit together is what makes me laugh in all the wrong ways. Especially with the cuts and how they are sliced just makes it all feel like the company took every measure to make it so that the viewer will not get what is going on. Oh and the 3D animation is like an insult to 3D animation for the time 2004. And it was clear that they did not have the budget for it in their games so yeah they probably should have skipped on that part as well. Enjoyment: I mean it had me busting out laughing at how ludicrous that something of this quality could be produced. But other than that even with stupid low expectations and turning off my brain it just felt like a pointless mess where doing nothing would have been so much better. Conclusion: Similar to Mar of Destruction it is a clear example of a 101 on what not to do when editing and generally creating an OVA. And that in itself is impressive that a product of this level was not only produced but was created with all the wrong steps taken. Although I was laughing for the wrong reason while in complete bewilderment it is not even a case of sobaditsgood because as I was saying throughout feels like a painful waste of time that actively does everything wrong to make the viewing experience pure torture. But hey if you still plan to see if thats on you but dont say I didnt warm you. As a whole stay away from this one.
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