Foreword: I watched the Dubbed version and have not read the manga so some things may not have translated well which may affect how I review this show This will contain minor spoilers but I will try to avoid it. Story The Seven Deadly Sins was a surprise to me as it was flying under my radar and I only watched it because it showed up on netflix and I am happy that I did. The story in this show is extremely well paced with the only problem being that there is a point near the end of the season episodes 1821 that were not up to par with the rest of the series. They do a really good job of keeping the episodes fairly compact story wise so that you never feel overwhelmed with story development which is important for a series that has a universe as expansive as this one. Also the universe in this show is incredibly gripping and it makes you want to keep watching more. Score: 21/25 Characters Another great this about this show is that the characters are paced well. That may sound weird but the way in which each of the sins are introduced is done quite well. They allow enough time for characters already in the group to have some development with the new one and then they introduce the new one. I would say this is true for everyone but Gowther who in my opinion was done fairly poorly. I will say that the only character which I felt was annoying is Hawk and that they should have replaced her role in the show with one of the Sins. To touch on the Main Villains real quick I felt that they all had good backstory and were not just Villains to be Villains except for that fairy guy whose whole existence in the story felt like emotion bait to me. Note: I am excluding Merlin because she did not have enough screen time for me to consider her part of the group. Score: 19/25 Art/Sound The animation was done fairly well in this show. I did notice that they did kind of run out of ideas for the design of holy knights by the end but it didnt hurt my enjoyment of the show. The action was fast paced and well choreographed. No complaints really pretty much just average. The opening and ending were very well done in their choices for music and even in the show during combat the music that they used was well chosen. The Dub that I watched was very good and even though I cant really compare it to the voice actors in the Japanese version they got all of the characters voices spot on. Score: 17/25 Enjoyment I actually really enjoyed watching the show. I was mostly surprised with how much I enjoyed the terribly cliche romance between Elizabeth and Meliodas. The action reminded me somewhat of how DBZ fights felt which was a plus except that the resolution occurred much faster in each episode compared to DBZ. I think that if the show had more episodes they could have made some of the power creep in the beginning not feel as jolting as the show progressed. Score: 21/25 Final Verdict Surprisingly great show that is set in an interesting universe with some above average character development.
78 /100
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