You ever watch something and then realize you wasted time out of your precious life on a pile of shit. That is me as Im writing this review. You might be wondering if I hate this show so much why did I bother finishing it? Two reasons. First momma didnt carry me for nine months push my head out of her and work three jobs to feed me for me to grow up and be a little bitch. Second I had to solve the mystery of how something so terrible would actually get the funding to exist. Im sad to say that Im a failure at solving mysteries and I hate humanity more than the shitty main character of this show. Im Standing on a Million Lives? More like Im Standing on Zero Interest. Also watch out because Im going to spoil the two possible spoilers in this shit show. Story Bitches go to another world to save theirs and they do video game quest things. Thats it. Now let me say that this doesnt make this show a bad show. Not every anime has to be completely unique and only have concepts nobody else has thought of it just means you have to do something to set yourself apart. Im Standing on Zero Effort does not do that and instead has about 4 seconds of original content flowing through its veins. Notice how Im not talking about the story? Because there is no story. Characters Fuck me these characters are trash. I have so little attachment to them that I forgot all of their names and I literally finished this anime twenty minutes ago. We have a generic fuck main boy who is not popular edgy and hates the world because of a bear and a tree or some shit. Sports girl who is good at sports but relies on the main dick for about one minute and is never intreasting. Like this bitch gets lost when she has a map in her eye that she can look at any time she wants. The only cool thing about her is when There is a sick girl who is sick and weak and wants to not be sick and weak. Finally there is nerd girl who is the only likable character for the sole reason that she is a nerd. Character development? how about instead we give the characters one big moment the exact episode you meet them and call it a day. There is literally an episode 11 emotional character moment in episode 2 pacing is nonexistent. Speaking of which. Pacing Yall want twenty minutes of content crammed into four? How about two minutes of content stretched to fill an episode? Why is this section so short? Because if the show doesnt have to pace things out neither do I. Music The thing about this anime that I can say is good throughout. The opening and ending are both bops and the soundtrack has some really nice songs in it. Its honestly a shame that such great music is wasted on a fuck boy thinking about how he hates his classmates and his mom forgot to wash his clothes so he had to wear dirty ones and the bus blew up thanks to pirates and his shoes got wet. I never want to watch this shit again but if I did it would be for the music. The Bad Theres a lot so Im gonna speedrun this shit. Boring as fuck The closest characters to good characters are nerd girl and a Darkness rip off This show explains things in foursecond flashes and expects you to keep up. I still dont know why fuck boy hates things so much. There was a bear and a tree and no fucking explanation. Pacing is an absolute mess Characters have so little personality that everything they do or say feels out of character Some of the jokes are so unfunny I actually thought they were important plot points There are no real villains. Just bad people. No actions have consequences There is literally almost nothing at stake at any time. I hate my life Theres more my brain has just tried blocking this shit out of my memory The Good Music was good I laughed once Conclusion The money used for this anime could have been used for cancer research instead...
30 /100
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