This season of My Hero Academia is a great show and I really liked it. In this review I will be talking about why I think the show is very good. Do note that As of this review I have only seen seasons 1 and 2. Cons Im putting this section to get it out of the way first. I hate that stupid business guy that bullies class A hes so clich and stupid . Bakugo is still not really a good character however I do think that him wanting to win without any doubts was a cool character development. All Might could have been a bit better in this but hes still fine. Also this is a nitpick but In the Deku vs Todoroki battle Deku said that he cant make a fist and then he somehow makes a damn fist. I would have also much rather Iida face Deku instead of Todoroki and loses making his sudden Rivalry stronger against Deku and his pity and frustration and make Deku face todorki in the third round. I also would rather Todoroki beat Bakugo but I can see why hesitation against using his flames still works. The setup for Villain arc is good but I think one last scene was needed for more establishment. The whole Intern arc is good but its painfully obvious its for the new arc and no one grows other than Deku and Todoroki in terms of physical combat. I think Stain is a great villain but he needed a bit more establishment. The rivalry between Stain and Tomura Shigaraki should have been a tiny bit more developed as well. Some cons will also be mentioned in some sections. Characters The characters in this arc are great with a few exceptions. Ochaco gets a great motivation of her being poor sadly Momo gets good setup for wanting to be better Kirishima gets a fun new rival and Tokoyami is really underrated. Iida is great to near amazing in this season we see him have a rivalry with Deku and then lose and then we see him having to deal with his brother getting hurt in battle and him wanting to kill the hero killer Stain I think its really good to see a broken down character seeing his mentor almost die and him wanting revenge on the hero killer was awesome. Deku finally use his quirk and hes really really good but his arc is not as good as season 1 but hes got new motives and stuff such as that. Him sympathizing with Stain was also something I liked and it kind off reminded me of Killmonger from Black Panther. Its Your Quirk Not His Shoto Todoroki I already liked him being a huge badass in szn 1 t was cool and him roasting the shit out of the villains was awesome in the season. I liked the idea of someone abusing the idea of a Quirk Marriage in Endeavor and He also strengthens the Hero killer Stains character motivation later on. His backstory was masterfully done and the best part of the season and him wanting none of his father. His belief that he will never use his fathers quirk is justified fully and I have to give them credit. They also do make him a credible threat he stole Dekus 10 mil points in the thing to get in and absolutely wipes the floor with Sero. I really liked how he was thinking about his Mom when Deku spured him on. Finally the Its Your Quirk Not His is awesome. His fight with Deku is also very good. Story The story in this is fairly light at first which I dont mind really because it makes sense. The plot is that Deku needs to show off his skills in the up coming UA sports festival and the show does a good job conveying the idea of what they did and I have to give it props for this. Deku trying to show himself to the world is a great way to convey tension and it did stick the landing. The story for festival is good but then it gets better. The story then gets better with the plot of All for One and how One For All exists and how All Mights mentor died and how he got wounded. We also get the plot of Hero Killer Stain and How he works and it works very very well. We finally get the final exam arc and then this is where it kind off lost me a little. So basically the characters need to do a final exam which is fine and creates good action and good character development for the worst character in the show So Far. However we all know that the characters are gonna pass because they cant have people fail. The final episode throws in the villain from season 1 which I really liked and I do wish instead of the final exam arc they made a Villain alone episode. Pacing Its paced well and none of the show really feels like a slog the beginning is solidly paced honestly and it definitely works well. If I had to nitpick it would be the Bakugo vs Ochaco episode should be shorter and The Todoroki vs Bakugo episode should have had more of a fight because It was pretty underwhelming. Action This Season has some good to great action. The first round with an Obstacle course is good fun and shows off Dekus Intelligence well and Shows how the characters can adapt. The second course shows off how Deku can keep things away and how Tokoyami uses Dark shadow which is awesome. The invidual fights are all very good with Bakugo vs Ochaco being a standout due to Ochaco willingness to never give up and her Mobility and Todorki vs Deku due the Visual Impact shown. The fight with Stain was amazing and you did really feel the tension that the show that it shows off perfectly and the brutality that they that fight and season is frankly very telling. The action with pro heroes vs the Nomus where also good but it could have a little more added to it. The arc of everyone vs the Teachers is good from an action standpoint and I really like Todoroki and Momo vs Erarser Head Froppy and Tokoyami vs That Teacher I forgot his name lol and Bakugo and Deku vs All Might. Villains Stain was the best villain of this show so far he is very good at being a threat and his quirk was made for great use in combat against him easily. I also really love his motivation to fight with me actually agreeing with him for the most part we see clear examples of it with Endeavor being a dick. He really reminds me of Killmonger with me getting the point but disagreeing with the Methods. Deku himself said that he didnt agree with the Hero Killer but he can see why. The fact that he did such a good job in a small period of time was awesome. Shigaraki was also really really good I liked his rivalry with the hero killer and also his confusion on who he is. The confrontation with him and Deku was very scary as well and his finding of his purpose was good. Other Animation was very great in this Bones did a really good job as well. Voice acting was very awesome in this in both English and Japanese dubs. The score was decent. The Opening song was very good but not as good as OP 1 sadly. The tone almost got its own section its really dark and its funny when it needs to and it is one of the best part of this show. This show really reminds me of my thoughts of the XMen movies weirdly specifically First Class and Future Past. I thought they where great movies and was just that but for some reason they couldnt get out of my head because they were that good. This is the same thing thats happening here for the 1st 2 seasons of My Hero Academia and I really like that. I really think that this show is very very good and I cant wait to see whats next.
87 /100
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