Haruko Ichikawa

Birth:Nov 22, 1980
Years active:2006-Present
Hometown:Chiba Prefecture, Japan
Official Websitehttp://ptpt.x0.to/pp/ Haruko Ichikawa is the author and artist of Houseki no Kunihttps://anilist.co/manga/74489/HousekinoKuni/ Land of the Lustrous. She started her career in 2006 with the oneshot Mushi to Uta Insects and Songs. Between 2007 and 2011 she published six other oneshots in the manga magazine Monthly Afternoon which were later compiled into two individual books in the Ichikawa Haruko Sakuhinshuuhttps://anilist.co/manga/66013/IchikawaHarukoSakuhinshuu/ Haruko Ichikawa Works Collection titled Mushi to Uta and 25ji no Vacances. In 2010 she won the Osamu Tezuka Cultural Prize for Mushi to Uta. She has also contributed characters designs to the Pokmon Sun Moon and Pokmon Sword Shield video games.