Katsuhiro Ootomo
大友克洋, Katsuhiro Otomo
Birth:Apr 14, 1954
Years active:1973-Present
Hometown:Hasama (Currently Tome), Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
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Bestknown as the creator of the manga series Akirahttps://anilist.co/manga/30664/ and its 1988 film adaptationhttps://anilist.co/anime/47/.
While he was in high school he was fascinated with movies often taking a threehour train ride during school holidays just to see them. After having graduated high school in 1973 he left Miyagi heading to Tokyo with the hopes of becoming a mangaka. He made his debut later on the same year with a manga adaptation of Prosper Mrimes short novel Mateo Falcone titled A Gun Report. In 1979 after writing multiple shortstories for the magazine Action Ootomo created his first sciencefiction work titled Fireball. Although the manga was never completed it is regarded as a milestone in Ootomos career containing many of the same themes he would later explore in Doumuhttps://anilist.co/manga/31215/ which began serialization in January 1980 and ran for two years until completed.
In 1982 Ootomo made his anime debut as character designer on Harmagedonhttps://anilist.co/anime/1626/. After this Ootomo began working on Akira which would become his most acclaimed and famous work. The manga took eight years to complete and would eventually culminate in 2000 pages of artwork.
Source: Wikipedia