Im a 17 year old male Clannad simp who has a slightly degenerate past However since being cured of that by that which is called Clannad Ive devoted much of my time to the sad anime genre especially key shows where youll see my taste is impeccable. Random Facts About My Tastes Best show Clannad Easily the greatest piece of literature and Media ever written Once there was a time in which i thought i could never get truly invested in a show but this show is special. It just is. The emotion it can evoke in me and many others is nothing short of a miracle. Go read my review Favourite Character Nagisa Furukawa From Clannad 300 The levels of Protecc and dopamine that are released in my brain whenever see her are enough that i can actually feel the chemicals being released in my brain when I see her. Favourite shows not including clannad Lull in the Sea 700 PA works absolutely killed it when they made this show with the best characters writing and dialogue Ive ever seen at least in the second core go read my review if you wanna know more and probably the cleanest best looking animation Ive watched. Little Busters 700 Another brilliant Key show that has a group of friends so amazing and tight that even though you also have brilliant amazing friends you still would give almost anything to be a part of their gang Favourite OSTs Favourite characters Akio Furukawa Clannad 500 I wish i was cool as this guy. This man is everything i wish to be and he is literally the best Dad ever and I wish i knew him and was friends with him and when i have kids i will definitely try to emulate him as much as possible because if i do i know Im gonna have a brilliant time and my kids are gonna turn out amazing. Plus we are both as childish as each other. Do me a favourite and just take a minute of your time to watch this if youve never seen clannad If you want another brilliant clip then skip to 0:47 of this video Miuna Shiodome Lull in the Sea 220 220 One of if not the best written characters Ive ever watched period from a show full of some of the best writing Ive ever seen.
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