400https://i.ur.com/SBtu8ZI.png 100https://i.ur.com/2tvExrC.png 100https://i.ur.com/hxDsgHR.png 100https://i.ur.com/jrLLFbz.png 100https://i.ur.com/BX4J8cb.png Male 24 Languages: Spanish native English Ive been in this burning hell rotting away watching anime since 2020. My taste in animanga has changed quite a bit since I got in this hobby getting more and more into the mecha genre is certainly one of them though Im pretty sure this is not surprising if you look at my profile. In any case my standards for what constitutes a good anime arent really solid I tend to like most of the stuff I watch as long as theres an entertainment value to be had or Im watching a particularly engrossing story. My stats on Anilist include SciFi Action and Drama as my top genres and thats pretty much spot on for the shows I usually gravitate towards but I also enjoy stuff like Iyashikei Slice of Life Psychological Thrillers and Mystery shows. Im more of an anime watcher than I am a manga reader but Im trying to get more into the latter by picking up the manga of shows I really enjoyed. Other hobbies As of 2021 I started collecting model kits mainly Gunpla and other brands like Moderoid as well as some posable figures most of which Ive published pictures of both here and in my MFC. Id like to branch out into other types of kits once I feel more confident in my skills. Im a lifelong history buff and a fan of military things like WW2 history. Both things have deeply molded the type of entertainment I grew up with and routinely engage with. For example I tend to play a lot of shooters focusing on realism Red Orchestra Squad Post Scriptum as well as real time strategy games like HOI4 or the Red Alert games. War films speaking of movies are also among my top choices but Ive tried to branch out in recent years into other genres. Lastly my musical taste is deeply rooted in the Rock genre like Progressivehttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lhJPrHuGOJqQy8fjImpn6?si=437ba9b98b444c85 Indiehttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/6PLJ3Ja7fh1erqZXOyPdx6?si=000b6b06db2d4f4b Retrohttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/77mF6a18pwWVEqazmSbYJR?si=155addd0ef16494a Heavy Metalhttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/5lzG6fEXgXat6DA3Fm2a50?si=ec91479fc43142c4 and in other languages like Spanishhttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/7sDmUrHV13Jl1Whjjlooan?si=e631c065fcbe4230 and Russianhttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/6lhJPrHuGOJqQy8fjImpn6?si=989c86df99884f8f. I also dabble into some pop songs here and there as well as Japanese City Pophttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/6OGtVLgU2rQ3N1j8Xt1bFn?si=5936867dca7f4ff3 Synthwavehttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/4strZXO9ZjKfcMqHqQhGTm?si=ac979d80012d461c Classical musichttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/2iLnSEbepb4UxTtjnlzseA?si=4afa5e1572814338 and Animehttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/43Jq8LMlSNOlZxckdehJY9?si=e8bb920903014121/Videogamehttps://open.spotify.com/playlist/2edU0rH5KKXexxW1qiH68M?si=b6390bdec2c04495 Soundtracks. 100https://i.ur.com/w0VbUSL.png 100https://i.ur.com/fUyoE9d.png 100https://i.ur.com/gMNg451.png 100https://i.ur.com/WKslFJp.png Socials 50https://i.ur.com/aiJndsu.png https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198152842399/ 70https://i.ur.com/ohGt64G.png https://discordid.netlify.app/?id=257943308947554304 50https://i.ur.com/hlxOypi.png https://myfigurecollection.net/profile/BeatleJews 50https://i.ur.com/Vh6poC3.png https://letterboxd.com/BeatleJeez/ 80https://i.ur.com/tK6GPtL.png https://open.spotify.com/user/qjg04o3ax5tr3upn9ggrtal2j?si=2c5d9698cfa14e58 50https://i.ur.com/SCYSTkV.png https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/153869676beatlejews 50https://i.ur.com/fC9HaIb.png https://www.last.fm/user/BeatleJews 50https://pbs.tw.com/profileimages/1541908760607821824/3Am5dmsx400x400.jpg https://www.backloggd.com/u/BeatleJews/ 500https://i.ur.com/WtnG3uZ.png

Genre Overview

241 Entries
205 Entries
192 Entries
114 Entries
94 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
