Just a girl who loves her anime. Watch much more than I read. I tend to read only occasionally and in batches. How I score anime and manga. 220https://i.ur.com/ZZb2EZl.gif I base my scoring system off of my level of enjoyment and how a series makes me feel. If a series makes me warm and fuzzy inside or super excited then its probably getting a 10. On the other side if a series angers me greatly then theres a good chance itll getting a 0. With that said heres how my scores line up based on my emotion level. 220https://media.tenor.com/Y4yvpf1OBVIAAAAC/chikatakamilovelivesunshine.gif 0 Extremely frustrated and/or grossed me out. 1 Confused me. 2 Annoyance. 3 Left me sad and not in the intended way. 4 Boring. 5 Indifference. 6 Some interest to balance out my indifference. 7 Mildly enjoyed it. 8 Really enjoyed it. 9 Loved it amidst some minor issues. 10 Made me feel warm and fuzzy or kept me intensely engaged to the point every episode feels like it flies past in 5 minutes 220https://media.tenor.com/XiJiKVYjSMAAAAC/takamichikapeace.gif Just had to put this English cover of YuYu Hakushos Smile Bomb opening another reason why the dub poops all over the sub and its not even close honestly. Awesome work from AmaLee. https://www..com/watch?v=8IDTNHRXhXY I feel so nostalgic listening to Rock the Dragon. My favourite DBZ opening of all time. Fabulous work Rico Vertez https://www..com/watch?v=A05jYTIs7c https://www..com/watch?v=CrTmHil72ls

Genre Overview

340 Entries
Slice of Life
312 Entries
245 Entries
221 Entries
207 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
