220https://media.giphy.com/media/MGKGJ4QImuPCg/giphy.gif Char drinks once every two seconds. He drinks thirty times a minute. 1800 times an hour. 43200 times a day. Hab 22 microphone addict unfortunately Czech. If you wanna find me on discord I am a moderator on the r/MadokaMagica server. So something basic about me so I dont look totally devoid of any hope: Favorite color: Lavender. Interests: Books muzak audio cooking. Quirks: Cant stop talking about mics horrifically poor sleep quality. Couldnt talk his way out of a paper bag. Discord: hablmet. Since Im still studying and I will be for about the next two more years due to my masters degree I wont be around frequently. I also tend to read manga far more than watch OVAs and movies nowadays. If you dont see me for half a year and then bam thats probably why. Im just too darn busy with life and having moments of romantic solitude. When I think of giving a rating to the series its due to my personal preference. Doesnt matter if the anime I consider to be trash is your treasure or vice versa. I also use the .5 rating system on almost everything I touch outside my very old additions to my profile. Personal favorite anime series are Gunsmith Cats Gundam 00 Nichijou Madoka Magica and Gundam X. Personal manga favorites are Bloom Into You and Girl Friends. Can you see a pattern forming with the manga? I also like thrillers and detectivelike manga. If youve got some underrated picks you might wanna recommend slide them my way and Ill have a look around. Why did I even make an account in the first place? I got spooked by the MAL breach disaster and that was kinda the last drop for me. Anilist is also just way easier to navigate and use. And the site is pretty. Though the mobile layout is jank. What can I offer you? Nothing. Youre looking at the profile description of some random dude on an anime website. Sorry to disappoint you I cant help myself.

Genre Overview

49 Entries
47 Entries
35 Entries
32 Entries
27 Entries
Total Anime
Days Watched
Mean Score
Total Manga
Chapters Read
Mean Score
